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Are you tired of doing everything around the house? If you don’t trust your children, can you put Find My Phone App to keep track of them? Dr. Leman answers these questions with his usual wit and wisdom.


Question #1:

How do I deal with kids who don’t do the simple things around the house? by Aimee

Dr. Leman’s Answer:

Mom, you are working too hard and “majoring on the minors.”

Instead of following them around and making sure everything is done perfectly, here is what I would suggest:

  • B does not start until A is complete
  • Do a check 1 time per day, such as after dinner
  • Simplify your life and extra activities

Question #2:

Is it alright to put “Find My Phone” app on my 16 year old’s iphone because I no longer trust her? Christine (audio)

Dr. Leman’s Answer

Well, yes. You could do that, but how can you be sure she would not send her phone to the library with a friend? If you have lost trust, she could be lying to you about anything.

The bigger issue is that the two of you have lost trust. You need to have that conversation, letting her know that you want a relationship and trust. I would start that off with an apology for unrealistic expectations and authoritarian parenting.

Ultimately you want the relationship and what is best for your child!