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You know the right friends will determine a lot in your kid’s life. How do you get them the right friends? Dr. Leman shares what you can and cannot due in regards to your kids choice of friends.


We all pick friends that are consistent with how we see ourselves. Your kids will do exactly that.

The ABC’s of parenting will impact how your child chooses friends:
A-Accepted at home. Are you interested in your child and his interests? Do you accept him/her for who he/she is?
B-Belong. Does your child feel like he belongs at your home? Is it his home as well?
C-Competence. Does your child feel competent in any area such as music, sports, leadership, creative skills?

If your child doesn’t get these key ingredients at home, they will surely choose friends who fill the void.
Does she need affirmation? The first person who gives it will be their friend.
Is he alone and isolated? Those guys who give him attention will be the ones he hangs out with.
Do they like her just as she is without criticizing? They will be her companions!

You can help your child choose good friends by building him or her up at home so he/she goes out confidently.