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Are you constantly doing battle with your child over the electronic device? Does your adorable kid try to get out of their chores using a cute tactic? If so, you’ve come to the right place! Dr. Leman answers these two questions on this episode.


Question #1 Jennifer:

My 8 year old son is addicted to the android device. He gets up at 4 am to be on it. He is on it until I wake up. I started hiding it when I went to bed, but I forget at times. How do I teach him self-control?

Dr. Leman’s Answer:

Parents give in WAY too early to children’s requests for electronic devices. These are not healthy for kids.

Mom, why did you buy the device for him in the first place? In order to teach him self control, he needs to see it coming from you.

In this case, I would treat it as an A before B situation. Give your son some chores to do if he insists on waking up so early. He will need to have those done (A) before breakfast (B), and in time to get to school. By doing this, you are teaching your child self control, and no longer acting as an authoritarian parent.

If you want to learn more about my view on handling devices with your kids, check out my training, “Your Kid’s Smart Phone, the Modern Day Goliath” at

Question#2 Nancy:

Our adopted child used to have a stealing habit, now it has turned into a super cute defiance. She doesn’t come right out and say no, she cutely says, deflectings things like when I ask for help to set the table, she says, “Can we have a play date?” or some other cute thing. But doesn’t help.

Dr. Leman’s Answer:

You have a cute, manipulative, powerful, tough cookie! She is really smart and will probably be a successful saleslady!

If you have not read my book Parenting Your Powerful Child, you will find it helpful.

You will want to affirm her lots. Affirm her smart response and good ideas.
BUT, you will need to emphasize, “Your work is still here!”