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Do you feel like you are in the passenger spot in your parenting life and YOUR parents are pushing their way in and taking over? How do you kindly push back but yet not out of the grandparent role? This is the topic that Dr. Leman tackles in this episode.


Have you felt that either your parents or your spouse’s parents push and influence how you parent or into your kid’s lives? How do you tell them to back off while respecting and wanting their involvement as Grandparents?

This can be the symptom of an unhealthy relationship with your parents,


REMEMBER that this is not their first time around the block when it comes to parenting. They have a wealth of experience and perspective.

Stop and give yourself a gut check. Are you discounting their advice when you should be listening?
Try saying to them, “Tell to me more about what you see.”
Let them vent a bit.
Tell them you are teachable, and take that stance.

On the other hand, they may be micromanaging grandparents. They may be causing toxicity in your home.

In this case, you don’t have a healthy relationship. It is time to step up and:
1. Tell them “please back off”
2. Limit their access to your family
3. Stand up to their invasiveness

You will be surprised what I have to say about this in today’s podcast!